For anyone living in Tornado Alley, it’s a good idea to have a place to go to weather potential storms. If a tornado is imminent, you will be extremely grateful that you diligently prepared in advance. A storm shelter can protect you from tornadoes and severe storms, as well as hazardous pollutants, intruders, and be a place to keep valuables safe and secure. FamilySAFE storm shelters and safe rooms are the best options for people looking to be prepared for the worst. We are America’s most experienced above-ground tornado shelter company. Contact FamilySAFE Shelters today for a free quote!
When a tornado does occur, it’s reassuring to know that you and your family will be safe, no matter how severe things get. The value of getting an above-ground storm shelter for your home cannot be emphasized enough. If you are in a tornado-prone region of America, and if you don’t already have a storm shelter, it is one of those absolute must-haves for preppers.
Prepare for the worst, hope for the best — that’s the preppers’ motto. One crucial way you can prepare for high, dangerous winds coming through your backyard is to get a storm shelter installed in your house that you know you can count on. And that’s what you get when you choose FamilySAFE: safety, security, and peace of mind.
Want to make sure you and your family will be able to remain safe in up to EF5 level winds? Trust no less than the best with FamilySAFE.
If you are in a tornado prone area, this information will be very helpful and immediately relevant for you and your family’s safety.
Safe rooms are hardened structures designed to meet FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) criteria regarding the life-safety protection during extreme wind events, such as hurricanes and tornadoes. Getting a FEMA-compliant steel storm shelter or safe room from FamilySAFE Shelters installed somewhere on your property is a great way to give yourself the peace of mind knowing that, if and when an extreme wind event occurs, you are prepared. Our tornado shelters and safe rooms were designed to withstand any and all tornadoes, including up EF5 (tornadoes with wind speeds greater than 200 mph).
FamilySAFE Shelters is the most experienced storm shelter and safe room company in the USA. It is our life and driving force, and we will never cut any corners on our shelters’ designs or the way they are installed. Every FamilySAFE storm shelter is engineered, tested, and certified, and will be installed ONLY by our HILTI trained and certified FamilySAFE installers. We are proud of the fact that we have had over a dozen FamilySAFE tornado safe rooms and shelters that have successfully survived direct hits from EF4 and EF5 tornadoes, without even becoming dented. When it comes to hurricane and tornado safety, one of the absolute most important things you can do to ensure your safety is to prepare in advance, in particular getting a reliable, safe place for you and your family to remain safe during the extreme weather.
What Is the Difference Between a Tornado Watch and a Tornado Warning?
Tornado watches are officially issued when conditions favorable to the formation of tornadoes are present, and meteorologists are closely monitoring a storm with tornado-development potential. A tornado watch is typically issued plenty of time in advance of severe weather, giving people time to review tornado safety rules and prepare to move to a safe place if the threatening weather manifests severely.
A tornado warning is issued when it is time to take action. It is issued when tornadoes are sighted on radar or by spotters, and means that, if you are in the area, you should seek shelter immediately. Tornado watches typically are issued for time periods of 4 to 8 hours, while a tornado warning is issued for around a half hour. When you are issued a regional tornado warning, it’s now a good time to retreat to your tornado shelter, if you have one.
How Are Tornadoes Predicted?
Meteorologists use a wide array of tools and methods for analyzing and predicting the weather. With radar and other tools, they are able to track the path of thunderstorms that have a chance of producing tornadoes. However, meteorologists do not have the capability to detect funnel clouds on radar, predict its path, its touchdown point, and other important information. Doppler radar has been improving greatly over the years, being able to measure distance, velocity, and other key data, but research continues for improving accuracy and determining other key information which is currently not predictable outside of statistical probability analysis. That’s why tornado watches and tornado warnings are given to a whole region — with the logic that it’s better to be safe than sorry.
A storm shelter gives you the protection you need in case of severe storms and tornadoes. With 1,200 tornadoes touching down on average in the USA each year, it’s worthwhile being prepared, especially if you live in a location where tornadoes are common, such as here in Owasso, Oklahoma. Besides simply having an above-ground storm shelter, it’s also crucial to stock the structure with the right survival items.
Whether a disaster comes in the form of a tornado, earthquake, flood, or fire, the key to survival is to be prepared, and that includes having an emergency kit already in place. Here are some of the most important things to have ready in your FamilySAFE storm shelter or safe room:
All tornado shelters should be stocked with at least a five-day supply of non-perishable foods and bottled water. Consider the size of your family when buying these supplies. You should aim to have about one gallon of water per person per day, and it should be stored in sealed, unbreakable containers. Check twice a year to ensure that everything is edible/drinkable still.
A battery-powered radio will help you get crucial information about a storm’s projection and provide you with weather reports so you are informed on how long to remain in your storm shelter.
Power outages are not uncommon during storms. Keep multiple flashlights in your storm shelter, including hand-cranked ones, so you are never left in the dark.
Backup Power & Batteries
Make sure you have the energy you need to power essential electronics such as your radio, flashlight, and cell phone in case you are in a storm shelter for an extended period of time.
First Aid Kit
Storms and other natural disasters can lead to cuts and injuries to your family. Keep a first aid kit in your storm shelter so you can provide emergency care. If anyone in your family requires prescription medicines, it may be a good idea to keep extra medicine in the storm shelter as well. If members of your family use things such as inhalers and EpiPens, keep spare ones of those in there as well. If your family has a baby or toddler, be sure to keep some diapers, wet wipes, and other essential care items in there too.
Keep your storm shelter well-stocked as an important safety measure. Be prepared for a wide variety of “what if” scenarios to ensure that your family is as prepared as possible when a disaster occurs.
FamilySAFE Texas is your guide to safety. Contact us to explore, learn, and fortify your property today.
2116 East US Highway 377 Granbury, TX, 76049